Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I am writing this because I am having an anxiety attack over nonsense. I understand the stupidity of this, my body does not and it is causing me to have breathing trouble and getting me all shaky (because of my anxiety disorder I have tendencies to get overly anxious over small things). THIS IS AFFECTING MY HEALTH. I think this whole meme bullshit has stopped being funny and now it is annoying and making US look immature. They look like monsters too but we are becoming as bad. Can we be the bigger person and leave them alone? I understand why you would want to fight back, trust me I get it. The feeling of over a 100 people (over 100 people liked those photos by the way) not liking you because you are in a class you love is a pretty crumby feeling. People I have never met in my entire life!
I know they were not directing it at any students but that's how it read to me. Probably inaccurate to a degree but the thought is still there. All those memes were kind of those jokes were we can all laugh together, but these were targeting a class. Now that people are getting into trouble for the memes it is causing even more anger towards STAC so this meme is a little messy, and I think it might be better to avoid it. That is just my opinion. I don't hate anybody for standing up for us at all. I just think we need to stray away from it now.

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