Sunday, September 9, 2012


I intend on working on my oil paintings skills this week. I have not painted since last year in STAC due to the  fact I have mostly worked with pencil, charcoal, and conte crayons at FIT. I think I'll paint people I'm intimidated to paint. I get this thing when I draw/paint certain people that I respect that person so much that I get intimidated drawing them because in my mind if they happen to come out poorly that I have disrespected their greatness and I am a shame.

This could be the Sunday night anxiety talking but I fear that by painting I am not stepping out of any boundaries and I'm playing everything same. Yet I feel that is the best idea I can come up with by tomorrow. I have the constant feeling that everything I am doing is somehow wrong. Even if it isn't wrong know maybe a year from now it will be and I will want to punch past Sarah in the face. I am really trying to stray from these thoughts and search for my own ataraxia (Ataraxia is my new favorite word. Well maybe it is a tie with the word scooter. Not sure yet.).

1 comment:

  1. I think painting is quite a challenge and doing it well is definitely pushing on a boundary.
