Sunday, January 13, 2013

So Long and Goodnight

I got bored last night and drew this
I drew it in a program called FireAlpaca which is kind of a mix between photoshop and paint tool SAI. I tend to see people put deep quotes over pictures of nature, even when the quote has nothing to do with what is going on in the picture, which made me draw this (In moderation I am fine with those photos, I also wanted to draw a deer at the time).

On another note:
Today I went driving for the first time. My permit came in the mail on Friday so my dad took me today. I was terrified. I was questioning 'why should anybody let me near the wheel of a car? I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYBODY'. But the second I started a song by My Chemical Romance came on the radio, and I almost never hear them on the radio. It almost felt religious. I'm still scared of driving but having my favorite band play on the radio made me feel a bit better. I'm surprisingly not as bad at driving as I thought I'd be-

But I would still be careful. 

1 comment:

  1. Driving to My Chemical Romance!!! Yes, you should still be careful.
