Monday, February 4, 2013

Keep. You. Safe.

Last Friday after a long day of STAC Live and pancakes, I went to see Warm Bodies. It is the film adaptation of the book I was talking about a few blog posts back. I really liked the book, it is quite possibly the most enjoyable book I've read in a while. I could not put it down. I read it in the span of three days, which may not be anything to some people, but I tend to be a slow reader. I was so excited to see the movie, I felt my face grow into a wide grin when the film started. A lot of my smiles are forced so it is always nice to catch myself smiling on my own. I can't go and tell you that this should win all the awards and it is cinematic genius, but I really enjoyed it. I wanted to like it. So I liked it. What I like about the book/film is that although it is a bit of a romance it doesn't take it self too seriously. Graham Norton nailed it calling it a "ZomRomCom" (zombie romance comedy). It isn't the kind of romance comedy though that would make you want to puke in your mouth. It is very witty. I have never seen a zombie so intelligent as R. I won't reveal any big plot points but the ending was a little different from the book which put me off a tad, but not enough for me to say I didn't enjoy watching it. I enjoyed the references to Romeo and Juliet all through out the book/film. The leading lady's name is Julie and the zombie for got his name but he thinks it started with an R (R for Romeo?). They also have a scene with a balcony but I won't get into much detail on that. Also the whole two groups that don't get along but two people from those groups come together and fall for each other (Montagues Vs. Capulets --- Zombies Vs. Living).

It did very well this weekend, it won number one the box office, earning $19.5 million.

I drew some fan art Saturday night:


  1. An interesting looking film. I suppose the start of the Zombie as Fun genre film would be perhaps Sean of the Dead? Have you seen it.

    I'm curious - have you seen Let The Right One In - the Swedish version?

    Love the picture

    1. I have not seen Sean of the Dead (but I think I may have seen some small parts of it, never the whole thing). I have read Let The Right One In and saw the Swedish version.
