Sunday, September 26, 2010

I am I spaced out? Or is it just my psychogeography project?

For my second psycho-geography project I had to think a bit harder about what I should base my project on. I looked around my house and my room trying to think in a different perspective. I noticed that everything is spaced out (I had to space out to figure that out.... not really.). Whether we can see it psychically or feel it mentally everything is spaced out. Because I can't photograph mentally being spaced out [I can draw it but not for this project.] I took some physical pictures of things that are spaced out in my room.
Ramune is my favorite soda. (I like the melon flavor the best.)

 Isn't my bullitin board cluttered! And yes. I am wearing pants.

Game Cube is the best video gaming system ever.

It is as if my manga is avoiding Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[ The comic book with Z? on it...]

The lights are not pleased.

They are all the same but different.

The coins on this are in the same pattern but spaced apart.

Yes I have festive lights in my room.
Even my handy dandy tablet has its icons spaced apart!

The posters on my ceiling.  
 I am not exactly sure if I did this project correctly, but I am not sure if I even if there is a way to do anything correctly though.

1 comment:

  1. Some of these are very cool, but are they Liminal? If not, reshoot for Wednesday?
