Friday, November 19, 2010

A long week.

Because of being sick last week, I was only in school for two days! So what I did last week was a bit of a blur. However, this week could not feel any longer. Not only was I not sick, but there was no days off for some holiday.
This week I had a lot of the portfolio left to do, and because everybody in the class did bad on the social studies essay, I had to re-write the essay. Of course after hours of work, my printer's ink decides to run out leaving me in a panic! Thankfully, in the end, when I handed the work in I could take a huge sigh of relief.
Talking about the Empty Space was interesting because of how many people can relate this book to themselves and situations they have been in that could relate to what Brooks was saying. I have to admit though, I caught my mind wander a bit after a while.
Thursday we watched the prisoner episode "Checkmate." I swear, if I were number 6 I would have gone crazy by now because every time he tries escaping it ends up in some plot twist that makes my brain go mushy. They we talked about ways to show we don't go with the STAC stereotypes and ways to make people want to audition. Someone told "Oh STAC? Yeah, all they do is get high or something." and "So STAC is a cult or something right?", so hopefully our attempt of making thought like that go away comes out well!
For my Daily practice I want to do a drawing everyday so I can improve [and avoid drawing like anime/cartoon style]. I will put my daily practice blogs in a different blog than this one, so I will give a link when I get it up. As for the hallway designs, I am thinking of maybe drawing one of those thinks you hold puppets with and stings so you act like a puppet on strings[Just an idea.].
Happy second quarter guys! Wait... should I be happy or scared of that... I guess I will find out.

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