Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pizza Cats.

Last night I went to see The New York Neo-Futurists with Julian and Caitlin. This weekend is a specialty show of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind called:
Rape Rape Rape AIDS AIDS AIDS Genocide Genocide Cats
Needless to say it was hilarious and often about cats or dog. This night could not have been more successful, not only did we see all 30 plays but three extras. Also since they sold out, they bought us pizza. Caitlin was also pulled on stage and they made her feel bad about her self because of all the "brown faces". 

Oh I also got a David Bowie shirt on St. Marks Place before the show.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh lucky! That sounds like a great show! Was there any particular play that you thought was the best?
