Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Question Sleep.

What have I been doing lately? Well for STAC LIVE I seem to be doing different things. First I started by working with the group doing the movie with the texting future self, but then I somehow strayed away from that and did quite a few poster collages, I seem to be done with that... I think I am done with that? I also told Caitlin I would help her with the Zs on the wall Thursday. Yet for some reason I feel unproductive. I really liked the couples thing from what I saw today I thought they were done well, and with a couple adjustments they made I think it will be great! The dance is pretty sweet from what I've seen. I really like how it uses the snuggies with the dance, so it isn't just a dance in snuggies, it is a snuggie dance. I just hope they don't damage Tim the skull!