Hello everybody! Hope all your summers have been well. To be honest I am really afraid of going into the 11th grade. Everybody telling how much it is 'the worst grade ever' with all the work and big tests. I'm not in school yet and I am already forced to read two depressing books for AP English. However I'm excited to come back for STAC. STAC is the only reason I want to go back to school. This July Caitlin and I took a three week pre college course at the Fashion Institute of Technology. We took a life drawing class which was good practice and help to drawing the body. Some of it was stuff I haven't worked too much on that was kinda harder like foreshortening but a lot of it was stuff I have worked on during STAC. The teacher mentioned a lot of artist I already knew about because of STAC. The only bad part of this class was lugging a huge portfolio (to fit my 15x24 sketch pad) around the city. I have tons and tons of drawings but here is some.
We started off with basic porportions
counting with heads. |
worked on some foreshortening
this model was very sassy and asked me about retro disco. |
I forgot what to call this
I'm pretty sure this was studying planes. This model looked like the terminator and fell asleep in this pose. This is charcoal and conte crayon. |
did this stuff
I don't know what we were studying that day. Maybe lighting and shadows. I got picked to let FIT photograph my art and put it on their site. |
and on the last day I did this
We spent the last day on one pose instead of multiple poses so I had a lot of time left. |
I hope to take the pre college courses next summer.
I also did some more digital drawings in my free time
Crossover between Doctor Who and Adventure Time. |
I don't know. |
I did a doodle with lyrics from the MGMT song 'It's Working'. |
Other than that I spent my summer catching up on tv, movies, visiting my house in Vermont, internet, messing with photoshop, and reading two books I didn't want to read.
ANYWAYS. Excited for this year in STAC can't wait to see faces I haven't seen in two months and meet some newbies. (I'm already starting my third year in STAC! Time is flying by.)
Wonderful drawings!
ReplyDeleteWow, I love all of the different styles you had to do in the class! (Now I wish even more that I had taken it with you guys...)
ReplyDeleteXD It's funny because I was researching proportions before, and now I have a nice reference on this blog, too!