Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stepping it up a notch.

 This week was full of preparation and new ideas. I love the idea of the screen, and I really hope we can pull it off. It almost scares me the thought of it not working, but then again I am a pessimist. I am sure it will amaze many but, I still wonder, if there will still be that one [or more?] person who still won't get it, and still think negatively of STAC. On commercials: some I feel people [well, in my class] like and understand, but some were not. However, people still ask me about it , even teachers [although, one of the teachers I know for a fact does not like STAC]. As for the opera, I really like the whole idea of it, the teachers [or is it specter now?], the friends [who sound ghetto so it is funny sing ghetto and opera.], the girlfriend, and the parents. The lyrics are really funny to! For message of love, it was a little tough practicing that for the first time because we didn't have drums and it was my first time sing with the band. Anyways, I am excited for STAC live and for this upcoming week!

1 comment:

  1. Who is the teacher that doesn't like STAC, and what do they say?
