Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So here is my first blog for STAC! I will also have a daily practice blog(coming soon! :D). So for my first blog entry,I think i'll talk sbout the first episode of "The Prisoner"

In the begining of the episode I wasn't very sure what to expect! It was quite interesting, from the plot, the actor's actions, to the concept itself. I like in this show how everything around them added to the setting of this place: from the signs, the maps, the activities going on(like the band), even the music! Just from watching the first episode it made me think of what i would do if i was ever put in a situation of being stuck somewhere with no escape(Well as far as i know!). I noticed throughout the episode that even though the setting seemed so opptimistic, it was eerie and somewhat creepy at the same time(or was that just me?)! Like how at a funeral they played opptimistic marching band music(If there wasn't a coffin I would have thought it was a parade). Another Thing I noticed was the way they got food they wanted in an instant, like when they had breakfeast. For a first episode, it really showed alot!

well... I think thats it for now for this blog entry~

1 comment:

  1. Good! Excellent observations about the show. I love how you are expressing your opinion - what you think - this is the way it should always be.
