Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Psychogeography 2.5 [I tried again!~]

So this time I think I understand liminal psychogeoraphy  more so than last time. The pictures here are have somewhat of contradictions or differences, they are near each other but there is a a space between them that can mental or physical. For projects like this I find things that I wouldn't take notice or take the time to think about on a regular basis. Some of the photos here have a similar theme to it, some don't. I saw some cultural influences, fake and reality, good and bad, etc.
I know the directions said "no plants" but here I was not focusing on that. This here is Life vs. Death

You wouldn't expect this in my room right? This here is Nightmare vs. Dreams

On the left is family photos and on the right is a mirror. This is representing in my eyes past and present.

I actually found this like that! It is School problems vs. real problems.

I have a full size bed so this was a bit hard to capture in the rule of thirds. My bed is the space between the real world and the dream world.

My sister and I are polar opposites. The space between that keeps our rooms apart is that wall there [I love that wall for that reason.].

Again me trying to bend the rules are far as not taking pictures of people. This is supposed to be real life vs. fake TV lives.

Gravity vs. me. My legs are the space between.
5:30 AM- dawn. The space between night and day.
Let me explain this one. This is a bamboo branch with wishes written on paper. This was made for the star festival, which is a Japanese festival in July. I made it with my friend who came here recently from Japan when I went to her house. Because she is learning English she wrote her wish in Japanese, when I  wrote mine in English because that is my language. I felt that was a space between two cultures.
The green one was my wish that I wrote in English. The blue one is my friend's wish she wrote in Japanese.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I am I spaced out? Or is it just my psychogeography project?

For my second psycho-geography project I had to think a bit harder about what I should base my project on. I looked around my house and my room trying to think in a different perspective. I noticed that everything is spaced out (I had to space out to figure that out.... not really.). Whether we can see it psychically or feel it mentally everything is spaced out. Because I can't photograph mentally being spaced out [I can draw it but not for this project.] I took some physical pictures of things that are spaced out in my room.
Ramune is my favorite soda. (I like the melon flavor the best.)

 Isn't my bullitin board cluttered! And yes. I am wearing pants.

Game Cube is the best video gaming system ever.

It is as if my manga is avoiding Johnny the Homicidal Maniac[ The comic book with Z? on it...]

The lights are not pleased.

They are all the same but different.

The coins on this are in the same pattern but spaced apart.

Yes I have festive lights in my room.
Even my handy dandy tablet has its icons spaced apart!

The posters on my ceiling.  
 I am not exactly sure if I did this project correctly, but I am not sure if I even if there is a way to do anything correctly though.

A War of Spies.

So this Friday, I believe that our game hit its breaking point. Instead of being sly and quiet, hell broke loose and I think it was more of a war than spies silently getting their way around. It was very obvious who was on which team who people were trying to kill and how they wanted the opposing team to lose. I could see in some faces that there was mixed emotions about this game of spies. I think most of us had an interesting experience with this, and I can not say I did not enjoy it. Though I must say, I am glad the game is over and my paranoia can end!

As for learning about Busby Berkley, Those dances were amazing! They were so different from not only the dances then but now! I don't even think Lady Gaga would attempt something like his choreography in her insane (insanely awesome, that is.) music videos!

By the way, if anybody wants to see my drawings and such I always post them here:
They aren't the best~ but I'm getting better and better every day (I hope).
I mostly post anime art but that doesn't mean thats all I draw. I draw a wide variety of things!~

Sunday, September 19, 2010

STOP! HAMMERTIME!- psychogeography

             When we learned about psychogeography, I started thinking about things that my mind attracts to or pulled away from, whether I think about it or not.
              Then, I realized I have a tendency to look at my feet when I'm walking. This causes me to walk into doors, walls, people, car mirrors, and even signs. A couple years ago I walked in to a street sign , and got a bruise shaped like the sign. So when I walk when I see a street sign I try to keep so distance. Because my cousin lives nearby and the street fair was today we meet up and started walking. That gave me the idea to take a picture of every stop sign i walked by [using the Rule of Thirds of course!]. If you think about it there are many stops in life before you reach a destination!
                                                         Stop! In the name of love!
Stop? For what! I was only walking...
Better listen to that sign. Its in capital letters [and caps mean business].

Hope nobody in that house back there was watching me!!!
Its seems this sign entered the dark side.
If you think that sign is watching you. It is. Congratulations. 
The people living around here must have thought I was crazy.
This sign is made of fail. They screwed it on wrong!
The shade is shady.
I swear on my life that this is a real stop sign! Somebody has been vandalizing all over East Williston the word Hammertime on all the stops signs... AND I LOVE IT! MC Hammer would be proud.
                                                 Oh! And today i won two goldfishies!
                                          [ Yes, I am wearing a sticker that says "I am special"]                      

Friday, September 17, 2010

first full week- Pantoum fail?

 So this weeks episode of The Prisoner made me want to go crazy! When Number 6 opened the door and saw The Village, he was so calm relaxed and almost sarcastic when he goes "Be seeing you". I had to go to resource room that day and it was so hard to think! I was so focused on The Prisoner it gave me a headache!
 The next day I tried to write a pantoum. Some were really good, some where funny, and for mine... I don't even know what I did! hopefully next time I write a pantoum it will come out much better!
    For somebody with British heritage [my dad's side of the family] I am very bad at spying! Thankfully I can get a fresh start with the spying again on monday[ and this time i'll be UNSTOPABLE!...hopefully..]!
   Today when we learned about the French spy who was working for the British and the Germans, it reminded me of this show I've watched when each character is personified as a country[Takes place during WW2]. Ironically, one episode England and France went to go spy on Germany and Italy. I don't know if that has anything to do with that but I just made that connection and i felt like sharing [because everybody knows sharing is caring!].
Here is a screen shot from when the characters England [he has huge eyebrows for some reason] and France [has the longer hair] spying~ 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So here is my first blog for STAC! I will also have a daily practice blog(coming soon! :D). So for my first blog entry,I think i'll talk sbout the first episode of "The Prisoner"

In the begining of the episode I wasn't very sure what to expect! It was quite interesting, from the plot, the actor's actions, to the concept itself. I like in this show how everything around them added to the setting of this place: from the signs, the maps, the activities going on(like the band), even the music! Just from watching the first episode it made me think of what i would do if i was ever put in a situation of being stuck somewhere with no escape(Well as far as i know!). I noticed throughout the episode that even though the setting seemed so opptimistic, it was eerie and somewhat creepy at the same time(or was that just me?)! Like how at a funeral they played opptimistic marching band music(If there wasn't a coffin I would have thought it was a parade). Another Thing I noticed was the way they got food they wanted in an instant, like when they had breakfeast. For a first episode, it really showed alot!

well... I think thats it for now for this blog entry~